Rethink and Recover: Ukraine's Path Forward

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DISCOVER Our Initiatives

Over 14 million Ukrainians forced to flee their homes:

nearly 1.5 million homes destroyed

Solidarity Effect:

When faced with great injustice and feeling helpless, there is always a way to support those who can make a difference.

Our initiative addresses the consequences of the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine, focusing specifically on the critical need for housing reconstruction and rehabilitation. By focusing on housing, we aim to bolster people's resilience, aiding them in recovery of their homes and communities, and restoring hope, dignity and a sense of normalcy.


The war has caused the largest housing crisis in Ukraine’s history. In the wake of the devastating impacts on residential areas, many Ukrainians have been left without safe and adequate housing. According to various estimates, housing stock losses in 2022 ranged from 135,000 to 817,000 destroyed or damaged buildings. These estimates remain approximate because the ability to physically examine buildings is limited due to ongoing military activity. The destruction has not only affected the physical structures but also the social and economic fabric of communities.

Millions of people have been forced to leave their homes. According to the International Organization for Migration, as of January 2023, the number of displaced people in Ukraine was 5.4 million. Among the internally displaced who moved more than once, the main reasons for this were the inability to earn income (47%) and lack of proper housing (41%). The urgency to rebuild is compounded by the harsh weather conditions and the necessity to provide secure and warm living spaces, especially for vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and those with disabilities.

Current situation:

In the past year, the need for housing has not just increased but also diversified. A need for temporary crisis accommodation has emerged—for example, while a damaged home is being fixed or while one is looking for long-term rental housing.

The population’s expectations regarding housing provision by the government remain high, but the share of those who support aid with purchasing housing is decreasing.  There are high expectations and a significant need for government support, which is partly being addressed. However, the demand is so large that it is challenging to meet, and it takes a long time to provide sufficient assistance.

Given that the country remains in a state of war, the budget does not allow for rapid compensation of damages. When support is provided, it is often prioritized for infrastructure such as bridges, roads, schools, and hospitals rather than housing. Therefore, external support is essential.

Observing Conflict Repercussions

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Overview of the Humanitarian Crisis and Displacement in Ukraine

The humanitarian crisis in the region is profound, with 14.6 million people requiring multisectoral assistance in 2024. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has been particularly devastating, causing significant civilian casualties and widespread displacement. In the first year alone, over 5,400 civilians lost their lives, and 250,000 houses were either damaged or destroyed, resulting in $155 billion in economic losses. Additionally, 3.7 million people have become internally displaced, underscoring the extensive impact on both the nation's infrastructure and its population stability.

Despite these challenges, there remains a strong desire among displaced individuals to return to their homeland. A significant 80% of refugees express hope of eventually returning to Ukraine, though many remain uncertain about when or if they will be able to do so. The demographic profile of the refugees reveals that 47% are women and 33% are children, emphasizing the vulnerability of these groups. With a substantial portion of refugees being well-educated, including 27% with specializations and 24% with master’s or doctorate degrees, their return could be pivotal in rebuilding and revitalizing their communities.

Interpreting Conflict Consequences

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Migration Effects on the Country Level

The movement of people across regions can significantly strain the receiving country's infrastructure. The influx of migrants requires additional housing, educational facilities, and childcare services. This sudden increase can unbalance regional economies as local governments scramble to expand infrastructure to accommodate new residents. Furthermore, large migratory movements often lead to social disruption and resource strain, causing instability and uncertainty in the areas affected.

Migration Effects on the Regional Level

On a more localized scale, migration profoundly impacts communities. It disrupts social cohesion, as some community members leave behind their homes and social networks, leading to a loss of control over their lives. The local economies suffer as businesses lose employees, customers, and labor force, which can precipitate economic collapse. Additionally, villages may face severe demographic shifts, with primarily elderly and disabled populations remaining, while able-bodied workers depart, leading to the slow demise of these communities.

Country Level Advantages

Encouraging people to stay and develop their own regions can have numerous benefits at the national level. Firstly, it boosts the economy and craftsmanship by fostering local industries and trades. This approach reduces the economic and demographic pressure on other regions, leading to a more balanced development across the country. Furthermore, minimizing forced emigration helps maintain cultural heritage and social structures, contributing to a stable and resilient society.

Regional Level Advantages

On a regional scale, keeping people in their communities allows them to take responsibility for their future. It ensures that communities remain intact, preserving social ties and local traditions. This stability creates a strong motivation for communities to develop and strengthen themselves, leading to a more cohesive and proactive regional development. By investing in their own future, these communities can become more self-sufficient and resilient in the face of challenges

Targeted Support Initiatives

The reconstruction effort in Ukraine is notably active and diverse, with various initiatives focusing on infrastructure, temporary and long-term housing, as well as schools and hospitals. In this process, we recognize our role in empowering those who choose to stay on their property and remain part of their communities.

Many individuals have been forced to leave their towns, cities, and countrysides, but there are also those who cannot or simply do not wish to depart. We respect their choice and aim to assist them in living with dignity on their land.

By providing support to these individuals, we help them rebuild their lives and foster resilience within their communities. This approach not only honors their autonomy but also contributes to the overall reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.

Avangard- Manufacturer of Smart Vending Machine

The NEST project helps families whose homes have been destroyed by squatters to get a temporary modular home on their property

Advancing equity by creating spaces that nurture safety and innovation, to ensure stability and foster community resilience, empowering families to rebuild their lives and promote growth in Ukraine.

Liv Connected revolutionizes home building in the United States with expertly designed, health-focused modular homes, enhancing lives through innovation and quality.

About NEST:

Driven by this aim in 2023 we established our first collaboration with NEST Project, initiated by Prytula Foundation.

The NEST Project was established to aid in the restoration of communities in de-occupied territories, with the overarching goals of minimizing forced emigration, bolstering the local economy, and rebuilding social ties within these communities. This initiative provides families whose private houses were completely destroyed with the opportunity to receive fully equipped temporary modular houses on their own property. These houses serve as comprehensive living spaces while families work to rebuild their homes. By the end of 2023, 45 houses had been installed, and 331 units of household appliances had been

Over a period of six months, our team engaged in a close collaboration with the Ukrainian team, offering design and engineering expertise to enhance the quality and performance of temporary housing solutions.

We are grateful for this invaluable experience and are now shifting our focus towards developing more sustainable, long-term solutions to further support the reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.

Our Current And Future Impact:

By the end of 2023, we partnered with NEST who installed 45 houses and provided 331 units of household appliances, demonstrating our commitment to supporting Ukraine. Over a six-month period, our team collaborated closely with the Ukrainian team, offering our design and engineering expertise to significantly enhance the quality and performance of temporary housing solutions.

Liv-Connected as experts in modular design and construction, who base their practices on 30 years of research from Virginia Tech. They have streamlined the approval process through collaborations with state and federal governments and tailored their designs for disaster relief use. Liv-Connected has previously assisted in tornado relief in Texas, responded to the Maui fires of 2023, and is being considered for sanctuary city housing in Chicago for Venezuelan refugees.

A key contribution of Liv Connected and Defining Humanity was their innovative improvements in insulation, durability, efficiency, economy, and overall design, ensuring that affected families can have better, safer homes, particularly during the harsh winters. This collaboration, within the manufacturing constraints of Avangard, has resulted in the creation of truly safe and cost-effective spaces.

We are immensely grateful for this enriching experience and are now shifting our focus towards developing more sustainable, long-term solutions to further support the reconstruction efforts in Ukraine. As we look to the future, we invite new partners to join us in this critical mission. Together, we can continue to make a profound impact and help rebuild stronger, more resilient communities.


In Collaboration With:
defining HUMANITY
- Project Steward & Liaison
Liv Connected - Modular Housing Expert
NEST - On Ground - temporary modular home Provider
Avangard - Manufacturing Partner


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